Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So what's Thea's real role

Since Thea really isnt a dumb-du,b like we thought she was, what is she? I actually think she represents how feminist movements began, or at least how women gained enough power to create the feminist movements. basically, she plays the role of a women who would have paved the way for others. Even though the play didnt outwardly state that she was smart and alll that, she actually was, she just played the dub role. I think she is very smart, because since she knows she cant be accepted as a woman, she uses men to get her way. She wanted to write, s oshe waited for her next opportunity, sisnce the original manuscript, which i think she wrote anyways, was lost. She did this so she wouldnt have to incorporate Lovborg's ideas at all, but write based off her own ideas.


Anonymous said...

I agree with what ur thinking...I don't think she is dumb at all-she actually is very intelligent and has control over Eilert Lovborg: she is way stronger than Hedda Gabler. And I agree that Thea really wrote the manuscript. I like Thea's character throughout the play---wayyyy better than Hedda

KC said...

While I do agree that Thea isn't exactly as dumb as she first appears to be, she does seem to have difficulty applying her control and power over others. She allows for Hedda to take control over her both physically and mentally, and she seems to be easily manipulated. I think that while she may have book smarts, she isn't exactly all that intelligent when it comes to some of her other characteristics.

Naomi said...

i agree with u and jenna both because i think she knows exactly whats going on and has an evil plan in her head..lol..and she takes the safe moves so she doesnt fall into destruction.

kwall said...

thea isn't a dumb dumb. she's similar to aunt julie because she functions as a stereotypical nineteenth century woman who fufills the demands of the male authoritative figures in her life. however, she does have more power than aunt julie but less than hedda. it is interesting to look into how she goes about pursuing either a relationship with lovborg or just an involvement in the academic work that the manuscript entailed. possibly, she sought to use lovborg and tessmann as launchpads to academic success because they both sought to use the manuscript but thea ends up with some sort of control over both of them because of the potential relationship she has with both of them.

Alexis S said...

I think Thea only lets poeple thinks she's dumb but she's learning as much as she can piece by piece, first with her husband, then lovborg and after tesman. She knows how to play her cards right, she is a way better character than Hedda, i agree.