Sunday, November 16, 2008

Abstinence brings about Peace

This is definitely portrayed throughout the whole play/plot. The abstinence of the women brought peace to Greece/Athens, between the poeple of Sparta and Athens. This can relate to present day issues/topics, because refraining from certain things can avoid troubles and issues. An example of this is alcohol, by refraining from using alcohol, you can stop issues that exist today like drunk driving. Another example that also can result in a better outcome, is refraining from using drugs, because it causes violence amongst people, and not to mention, it is illegal. Abstinence from many things can bring about piece. Anything from abstinence from using bad language, fighting/war (obviously, like in the story), stealing, gang activity, drugs, alcohol, and etc.


ShowTyme92 said...

I never thought of sex as symbolism for anything else... Hmmm... interesting... SO are you sayin that sex was an addiction that disruppted things... like drugs and stealing do? bcuz these characters are obviouslii addicted to it lolx...

Patti said...

Hmm you make an interesting point.. I think you're right in that you could do the same thing as the women did with sex as we could today with drunk driving and such... I wonder what would happen if we really did try that in today's world. Would there be utter chaos? or complete peace?

Johnny Moscoso-Vargas said...

Not sure if i completly agree...becuase i dont really think its about abstinence or sex all the time but about a movement that goes against the flow that kinda puts a rock in the way of people, in this case the abstinence, but still i think this more of a broader big picture.

Alexis S said...

If this situation were to happen today i wonder how effective it would it be?
You do do bring up a good point though if we wanted to change something we can choose to abstain and make our voices heard.